Professor Omar AI -Rawas is the Secretary General of the Arab Board of Health Specializations,
and the Chairman of t he Ara bian Gulf University Board ofTrustees. H e is Professor
of Medicine, and recei ved his MB.ChB, postgraduate training in Respiratory Medicine
and PhD from the University of G l asgow, UK and he is a Fellow of the Royal College
of Physicians of Glasgow.
Among the positions held in the past are Dean of College of Medicine & Hea l th Sciences
(COM HS), Sultan Qaboos University (SQU}, Director of Medical Research Centre, SQU,
Chairman of the SQU Hospital Board, H ead Department of Medi ci ne in SQU, Assistant
Dean for Clini cal Affairs of COMHS, President of Oman Medical Association, Chairman
of Internal Medicine Scientific Committee of Oman Medical Specialty Board (OMSB},
Member of Council ofTrustees of OMSB, and Ch airman of the Health Sector Comm ittee
of the Researc h Cou ncil of Oman.
His research interest i s in lung function in health and disease, epidemiology of
respiratory cond iti o ns in Oman, especially Asthm a; being the Count ry Coord inator
in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies i n Ch ildren (ISAAC) in add ition
to respiratory health care delivery in Oman. He contributed to more t h an 100 publ
ications in peer-reviewed journals in these areas, in add ition to many confere nce
presentations and published abstracts.
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