Dr Elsheikh Badr is a public health physician and a health workforce expert and strategist with over 20 years’ service in senior health systems and health workforce positions in Sudan and beyond. He qualified as medical doctor and obtained a postgraduate diploma in public health from Gezira University in Sudan and a master’s in health policy planning and management from the University of Leeds UK. His professional qualifications included Sudan Board fellowship in community medicine and the fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of physicians UK. He obtained postgraduate training certificates on health workforce development including at University of Liverpool, University of Oxford, Royal Tropical Institute Amsterdam, Collective leadership institute Berlin, Harvard University, and University of California at Berkeley.
Dr Badr was the Director for Health Workforce Development at the Sudan Federal Ministry of Health and President of the Academy of Health sciences, a large, decentralized health professions education institution. He also served as Secretary General for the Sudan Medical Specialization Board, the premier postgraduate medical education body in the country. Dr Badr has been widely involved in national, regional, and global health workforce and health professions education initiatives. He is currently the Chairperson of the Community Medicine Council of the Arab Board of Health Specializations. Dr Badr is also a designated WHO health workforce consultant and served as member of international expert panels convened by the WHO on various areas related to health workforce development.
Since 2019, Dr Badr has been serving as policy expert with the National Qualifications Center UAE (Ministry of Education) working on the project of the National Institute for Health Specialties (NIHS) aimed at the development of postgraduate health professions education capacity. He is currently part of the NIHS team working in areas relating to governance, accreditation, assessment, and CPD.
Dr Badr research work and interests include health systems strengthening, health workforce policy, migration, health professions education, and health workforce regulation.
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