Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts/full-length papers in the main themes or other related sub-themes of the conference. Authors are required to indicate their preference for either oral or poster presentation. The Scientific Committee, however, reserves the right to make the final decision on the type of presentation. Abstracts must be written in Times New Roman; font size will be 12, single-line spaced, left aligned. Abstracts must contain title, name, affiliation, country, mailing address, email address of all authors, and designation of contact author.
Authors must use the official Template/From and cover the abstract sections detailed in the template.
Abstracts should clearly describe the research objectives, methods, findings, and relevance in a maximum of 500 words, in English (with no graphs, references, or citations). Please indicate under which theme the abstract should be included.
Extended abstracts/ Full length papers can be submitted considering the provided template.
Students should send a valid student ID or a certification after the completion of the online registration process.
Based on the review of the submitted abstracts, the scientific committee may also invite a number of authors to submit full-length papers for review and possible inclusion in the Book Series “Water Science and Technology Library”, published by Springer.