British Accounting Review on the theme of “At the Interface of Digital Technologies
and Management Accounting” Click here. (ABS: 3, ABDC: A*)
Meditari Accountancy Research. Click here. (ABS: 2, ABDC: A)
Journal of Business Logistics on the theme of “Supply Chain Finance & Digital Technologies:
Taking a Proactive Perspective”. Click here (ABS:3, ABDC: A).
High-quality papers will be given the opportunity for a fast-track publication in
the following Journals:
International Review of Financial Analysis (ABS: 3, ABDC: A)
Finance Research Letters (ABS: 2, ABDC: A)
International Review of Economics and Finance (ABS: 2, ABDC: A)
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting (ABS: 2)
Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance (Scopus: Q2).