Amy Driscoll, Former director of teaching, learning, and assessment at California State University
This workshop will provide a review of both traditional and current forms of direct and indirect assessment with descriptions of how to use effectively for multiple purposes: to determine whether students have achieved the intended learning outcomes; to answer questions about pedagogy and curriculum at course, program, and institutional levels; to guide efforts to improve courses and programs; and to provide data for decision making related to planning and budgets. Participants will practice selecting and designing direct and indirect assessments that align with both faculty and institutional inquiry as well as with intended learning outcomes.
Linda Suskie, An internationally recognized consultant
In this fast-paced, interactive workshop, participants will be introduced to rubric formats and the characteristics of valid rubrics. They will then practice the steps to building an effective analytic rubric by drafting one with their colleagues. They will also practice drafting the assignment to which the rubric will be applied. The workshop will conclude with additional suggestions and resources for building effective rubrics.
Susan Platt, Executive Director of Assessment in the Division of Student Affairs at California State University
Kevin Gant, Assistant Dean of Student Development and Special Appointment Faculty
member at Biola University
In this interactive workshop, the presenters will focus on the holistic nature of student affairs work in higher education and the types of assessments associated with a wide variety of student services. Assessments include the measurement of student learning and development, program review, needs analyses, satisfaction measures, and campus climate surveys. Participants will develop an understanding of how theoretical frameworks are used in student affairs practices as well as how partnerships with academic affairs enhance student success.
Facilitator: Cyd Jenefsky, Vice Provost for Strategy and Educational Effectiveness at the University of the Pacific
In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about good practices in evidence-based program review, as well as be introduced to emerging trends. Participants then will have an opportunity to identify improvements to program review on their own campuses in order to hone the focus on outcomes, enhance the use of results, and align the process with larger strategic priorities in the university.