2017 Annual Undergraduate Student Research Conference
CIT Building, United Arab Emirates University
2nd MAY 2017
The Student Academic Success Program of University College at the United Arab Emirates
University welcomes you to the third Annual Undergraduate Student Research Conference
to be held on 2nd May 2017. [...]
Dear usrc2017 Presenters, we have attached some important guidelines for you, and
we believe that you should be aware of it before the day of the conference.
All Presenters at the 2017 Annual Undergraduate Student Research Conference
(usrc2017) should submit their project abstracts by email to: usrc2017.info@uaeu.ac.ae
by Wednesday 22nd of March ...
Dear Presenters, Please be aware that the Abstract Submission deadline is going to
be next week on Friday 17th of March 2017. Make sure to submit your project abstract
before 12:00 PM.
All Presenters at the 2017 Annual Undergraduate Student Research Conference (usrc2017)
should complete their online registration by Sunday 12th of March 2017, before 12:00
Attendees of 2017 Annual Undergraduate Student Research Conference (usrc2017)
should complete their online registration by Thursday 27th of April 2017, 10:00 AM.
Attendees can also register...
The second series of the Conference Preparation Workshops is starting next
week on Monday 13th of March 2017. Contact Ms. Hiba Ibrahim (Conference Administration
officer) for more details at...
The usrc2017 2017 Organizing Committee is happy to announce that a number of preparation
workshops are now ready for the conference participants, in order to prepare them
for the conference. The work...