CIT Innovates “Robotics and Real World Innovative Applications in Health Care”
The College of Information Technology (CIT) in cooperation with the Intelligent Robot
Interaction Laboratory (IRlab) held a robotic workshop and exhibition titled “Robotics
and Real World Innovative Applications in Healthcare” as part of the UAEU Innovation
Week activities. The workshop’s aim was to focus on presenting various methodologies
that move beyond the traditional robot sand toward the bio-inspired smart robot applications
and devices that can be employed in the health care rehabilitation field – such as
prosthesis, innovative physio robotic system for stroke patients, intelligent health
monitoring systems that include monitoring sleep patterns and issues with patients
with sleep apnea, and live simulators for autistic children.
The workshop included different educational lectures that were presented by a number
of international researchers and specialists from various fields in medicine, mathematics,
robotics, and human brain science.
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