UAEU launches its innovations in the first week of February
In line with the Emirates Innovation Month, the UAEU will organize innovation events
in the month of innovation 2020 by launching an enormous package of numerous and unique
innovations for researchers from faculty members and UAEU students. Moreover, each
day is to be specified for numerous and innovative ideas, where the university will
celebrate its innovators, highlight their ideas and innovations via Social media and
inform students, the public, and guests about the role of innovations in developing
For her part, Dr. Khaula Al Kaabi, CEO of Innovation at the University, stated that
innovation aims to enhance the government's directions according to its strategic
plan to shift to a knowledge-based and innovation-based economy for the various critical
sectors identified for the year 2030. It also aims to prepare for next fifty years
as well as monitor the challenges facing the production of high-quality research in
the country and the region in line with the rapid growth of the economies of emerging
countries and increase standards of competitiveness in building the knowledge-based
economy through three main pillars: scientific research, technical development, and
innovation. These pillars have to be increased in all sectors and their outputs have
to be in line with the requirements of the national economy. In addition to this, Dr. Khaula indicated that the Emirates month
of innovation, which is organized under the direction of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed
bin Rashid Al Maktoum, God bless him, is a significant national event according to
a future vision that strengthens the UAE's position in the field of innovation globally.
The role of UAEU in innovation
The United Arab Emirates University offers a wide range of events, lectures, conferences,
workshops, exhibitions and innovation achievements for researchers and students up
to 105 events in the UAE Innovation Month 2020, in 2019, (81) events. The activities
for this year are mostly conducted during the first week of the month of innovation.
There are 3 main events that 1000 visitors from inside and outside the university
are expected to attend: the Fifth UAE Joint Symposium on Social Robots, the Innovation
Exhibition, and the UAEU Annual Research and Innovation Conference, which will discuss
206 research papers and posters that will be presented in the conference sessions.
The topics and headings vary in the activities of the UAE month of innovation to cover
space, health, nutrition, engineering, defense, information security, robots, drones,
artificial intelligence and other topics that take part in finding innovative and
sustainable solutions to the challenges facing the country, the region and the world.
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