School social workers are often called upon to complete tasks that often go beyond the role and scope of their work. This conference is intended to share insights from research and practice from the UAE and the UK and aims to share new strategies and tools which social workers can use to empower children and support parents and other school staff. Importantly, this conference will serve as the formal end to a 2-year funded project into school social work and will host the launch of a Handbook for School Social Workers in the UAE.
Emeritus Professor Mark Doel, will deliver the keynote for this conference and other speakers include Ms Khowla Said Al Badri (UAE) Ann Marie Christian (UK) and Cathryn Jani (UK).
This conference will be beneficial to the diverse community of school social workers to share wisdom, knowledge, and skills on how we can navigate the impact of Covid-19 to ensure future safety, wellbeing and success of our children within the school and educational environments.