PROGRAM OF jssr2018

Monday, November 21st 2016 (Venue: F3 Building, UAEU)

 Time Description
08:00 Welcome Reception & Registration

Second Thematic Session (9:00-13:50): “Anthropomorphism in Human-Robot Interaction”

Chair: Ben Robins


Presentation: Friederike Eyssel (Bielefeld)

Robots as Social Agents: Getting in touch and getting out of touch with robots


Keynote: Rob Sparrow (Monash)

Robots, racism, and representation


Presentation: Christoph Bartneck (Canterbury)

How human are robots and how robotic are humans?

10:40 Coffee Break

Keynote: Michael Decker (KIT)

Service Robots are on their way? Some thoughts from an interdisciplinary Technology Assessment


Keynote: Robb Cheek (Hyundai)

Social robots: These are the droids you’re looking for

12:20 Lunch
13:20 Second Roundtable: “How anthropomorphic should robots be?”.

Chair: Eyssel.

With: Christoph Bartneck, Robb Cheek, Michael Decker, Ben Robins, Rob Sparrow, Jun Tani.
Third Thematic Session (13:50-16:30): “Robotics in Medicine and Healthcare”

Chair: Fady AlNajjar

Presentation: M Jawad Hashim (UAEU)

eHealth applications for robotics: challenges in social robotics for healthcare


Keynote: Lulu Hamdan & Sanad Shaikh (Amana Healthcare)

Robotics and communication technology for people with disabilities


Second Exhibition & Demonstrations session. Featuring:

Amana Healthcare and others.


Presentation: Mohammed Alotaibi (Tabuk University)

A potential social robotics children diabetes management and educational system for Saudi Arabia: System architecture 

Presentation: Peer Mohamad Muhamed Ali (Al Ain Hospital)

Robotics in Rehabilitation

16:30 Closing remarks and end of the first day of the symposium 
18:30 Reception and social dinner at Mercure Grand Jebel Hafeet Hotel
20:30 Bus transfer to Abu Dhabi
Nov 29, 2017