PROGRAM OF jssr2018

  Tuesday, November 22nd 2016 (Venue: Conference Center, NYUAD)

 Time Description
08:00 Welcome Reception & Registration
09:00 Welcome by NYUAD academic authorities and opening remarks by the organizers

Fourth Thematic Session (9:20-13:20): “Theories of Conscious AI”

Chair: Mohamad Eid


Keynote: Jun Tani (KAIST)

How can we develop 'deep minds' of robots?


Keynote: Ron Chrisley (Sussex)

Human Responsibility, Robot Mind: Conceptual Design Constraints for Social Robots

10:50 Coffee Break

Presentation: Yasmina Jraissati (American University of Beirut)

Color Categories in Context


Third Roundtable: “What is the best cognitive architecture for social AIs?”.

Chair: Max Cappuccio.

With: Ron Chrisley, Jorge Dias, Dan Hutto, Giulio Sandini, Jun Tani, Steve Torrance

12:20 Lunch

Fifth Thematic Session (13:20-15:50): “GrowMeUp: new advances in machine learning”

Chair: Boumediene Belkhouche


Presentation: Jorge Dias (KUSTAR)

The “GrowMeUp” project: robotic technologies for societal innovations and challenges

Presentation: Luis Santos (Coimbra)

Random Sampling Learning: Social Robots Learning User Behaviour Routines


Presentation: Gonçalo Martins (Coimbra)

User Modeling for User-Adaptive Social Robots

14:50 Coffee Break

Presentation: Paulo Ferreira (Coimbra)

The Challenge of Bringing Social Robots to Society


Tour of the laboratories with Mohamad Eid (NYUAD)

Bringing Touch to Human Computer Interaction: a guided interactive tour to Applied Interactive Multimedia Research Laboratory (AIMlab).

16:30 Closing remarks and end of the third day of the symposium
Nov 29, 2017