To submit your abstract:
Additional Information
Author Names: Use given names, initials (if any) and surnames for all authors, separating multiple authors with commas. Bold the name of the presenting author and use superscript characters to point to affiliations below. Superscripts should be positioned to the right of each author name as shown in the abstract template.
Affiliations: Affiliation details should be differentiated with superscripted alpha characters placed to the left of the affiliation. Please provide only the email address of the presenting author after the list of affiliations (e.g.
Abstract: See template below.
Keywords: Provide 3 to 5 keywords separated by commas. For each keyword, use a capital letter on the first word and use lower case for the remaining words.
Please avoid unnecessary mathematical detail in the abstract. The abstracts will appear
as they have been submitted therefore authors should take care with the preparation.
References to the work of others should be complete and accurate, although the titles
of journal articles should not be included. Pagination must, however, be quoted in
full. The following style is recommended:
... theorems of Lindley and Smith [Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B (1972): 1-41]
Paper title
Givennames FAMILYNAME 1, Givennames FAMILYNAME 2, Givennames FAMILYNAME 3
1 University, United Arab Emirates
2 DAVD Consultants, Poland
3 Institution, Country
This template provides instructions to authors of abstracts to be included in the Program of TIES 2015. The abstract must be no longer than one A4 page including title, authors, affiliation, abstract and keywords. The abstract should be self-contained and explicit. It should make a clear statement of the topic of your paper, briefly describe the work to be discussed, and give a concise summary of the findings.Results can also be included. The abstract must start 12 pts below the affiliations and should be formatted as 11 pt Times New Roman, fully justified.
Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, Keyword 4, Keyword 5