Instructions for Authors

Main Text Layout

You should set the main text in 10 point Times Roman or Times New Roman (normal), not in bold, using single line spacing. All text should be produced as a single column.

Abstracts and papers in English and Arabic languages are accepted.

The First Page

This contains the title of the paper, the author names, organisation and country (put the full postal address or your email address), the abstract, keywords, and the first part of the paper. Start the title of your paper 35mm down from the top of the specified typing area in Times Roman font, size 14 point bold, in center. Only the first letter of the first word should be a capital, unless proper nouns are used, the rest must be all in lower case letters. Follow this (with one 16pt line space in between) on a new line, with the *authors' names, without degrees or qualifications, in Times Roman font, size 10 point, normal, in center. Now start the abstract, with the heading two line spaces below the last line of the address and set in Times Roman, size 10pt bold. Leave one line space and then start the text of the abstract, set in Times Roman font, size 10 point, normal, justified with single line spacing. The abstract will consist of approximately 300 words.

Please ensure that you enter your name using initials only for your surname (family name) and first letter of your name e.g. "Babak Farjad" (full name and surname) must be "Farjad B.". Failure to do so may lead to your name appearing incorrectly in the paper.


The Keyword heading together with the chosen words should appear on a new line immediately following the last line of the abstract, without a line space, set in Times New Roman 10pt italic as in the following example: Keywords: Groundwater vulnerability, Pollution, Fuzzy logic.


Headings should be set aligned left, as shown below. Please number your headings using the system shown below.

Main Section Headings

These should be set in 10pt Times Roman bold, with one complete line space above and below. The text following a main heading should not be indented.

Second Level Headings

These should be set in 10pt Times Roman bold, with one complete line space above and below. The text following a secondary heading should not be indented.

Third Level Headings

These should be set in 10pt Times Roman bold, with one complete line space above, but none below. The text following a third grade heading should not be indented. Fourth level headings These should be set in 10pt Times Roman bold with one line space above. Leave two character spaces after the heading, do not insert a full stop and run the text on, as shown here.


When referring to equations in the text, preface the number with the word 'eqn' or 'eqns' and place the number within brackets i.e. eq (1). Displayed equations should be numbered simply (1), (2), (3), etc. The numbers should appear at the right of the equation, flush with the text on the right side. Do not set them in bold type. International Geoinformatics Research and Development Journal Vol. 1, Issue 2, June 2010 Page60


Tables must be set as part of the text, but smaller type sizes may be used, providing they are clearly legible, to enable the table to fit the space. All tables must have a caption centred over the table. If the caption is more than one line, then the second and subsequent lines must be left aligned with the first word of the caption and should be set justified. Captions should be numbered sequentially starting with number 1, i.e. Table 1: Data used. Leave one line space above and below tables. Large tables may be set landscape, i.e. sideways on the page, reading up. Do not set captions in bold.

Figure Captions

Captions to figures, (photos, diagrams, and/or illustrations) should be set text size and centred below the figure. If the caption is more than one line in length please follow the alignment style as given in the table captions, above. All figures must be numbered sequentially starting with number 1, i.e. Figure 1: Study area. Leave two line spaces between the caption and the text. Do not set captions in bold or italic.


References must be in the following order: Surname and initials followed by title of the article, name of journal in abbreviated form in Italics (name of book in normal), volume no., page no. and publication year in bracket e.g. Reniers G.L.L. and Audenaert A., Preventing intentional disasters by investigating the security of chemical industrial areas, Disaster Advances, 1(2), 14 (2008). Perel, D., Tsunami: Hope, Heroes and Incredible Stories of Survival, Chicago,Triumph Press,124 (2004).

References must be serially numbered and should be arranged alphabetically by surname or by year.

References must be quoted in the text as numerals at the end of the sentence e.g............ disaster [1].

When finished, double-check the whole paper thoroughly and ensure that all figures, captions, tables, equations etc. are legible, as these often present problems.

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Important Dates

Submission of abstracts: 30 September 2015

Notification of acceptance: 15 October 2015

Full papers submission: 31 October 2015

Registration Dates

Early bird registration extended to: 31 October 2015

Registration Deadline: 30 November 2015

Conference Documents

PDF   Conference Announcement

PDF   Call For Papers

PDF   Call For Sponsors - English

PDF   Call For Sponsors - Arabic

Jun 22, 2015