The Conference Invites empirical and theoretical research papers on any of the following topics and related areas.
An illustrative list includes, but is not limited to, the following themes:
Creation and testing of theoretical frameworks in IE with associated methodologies and measurements
Characteristics and practices of International entrepreneurs
Contributions of upstream (backward) to internationalization to downstream (forward) internationalization
Cross-national comparisons of growth patterns of internationally oriented and entrepreneurial firms
E-Commerce-centred activities and internationalizing SMEs
Entrepreneurial characteristics and challenges in internationalizing firms
Gender issues in internationalization and international entrepreneurship
Impact of entrepreneurially oriented firms on regional and national economies
Impact of Institutional, Learning and Network theories on internationalization processes
International entrepreneurship in the Southern Hemisphere
International entrepreneurship in the circumpolar Regions
Internationalization of geographically dispersed operations
International of Cultural and Creative Industries
Internationalizing SMEs and Regional industrial or virtual clusters
Methodological issues in research on small firms in international marketplace
Patterns of internationalization in smaller entrepreneurial firms in emerging markets
Rapidly internationalizing and high growth firms
The nexus of Ethnic, family and international entrepreneurship
Regional Issues and Research in international entrepreneurship
Innovation in Entrepreneurship; contextualizing the GCC within the global narrative.
Stimulating Entrepreneurship and Innovative environment: Global perspectives, GCC focus
Global enterprise and innovation: global perspectives, GCC context
International Entrepreneurship of Life Science & Medical Innovations
Other topics of relevance to the conference theme