New trends in language and literacy necessitate facing new challenges, embracing new
opportunities and envisioning ambitious future. A new horizon for language and literacy
teaching and learning call for provocative, relevant and innovative pedagogical practices
and learning techniques commensurate with advance of new technologies and a literate
The College of Education at the UAE University invites prominent national keynote
speakers from different educational disciplines to speak at the forum. Interested
participants can use the following subthemes to guide them through submission process:
Policymakers, researchers, school leaders, researchers, educators, Teachers, students,
and others are welcomed to attend the forum.
Language, Literacy and Culture
Bilingualism, Biliteracy and Multiliteracies
EFL/ESL Teaching, Learning and Acquisition
Diverse students and People of Determination’s L2 Teaching and Learning
Literacy and Language Assessment and Program Development
Diverse Children Literature
Language Arts in the Curriculum
Innovative Ways for Using Technology in Teaching and Learning
The purpose of this forum is to bring together languages (Arabic and English) and
literacy practitioners from around the globe to share their creative and innovative
ideas, practices and experiences that are currently proven to be instrumental in teaching
and learning. This forum will serve as a platform for the participants to engage in
conducive discussion and share their latest practices in the field.