
The AUA-UAEU Workshop on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Applications (GTCA 2022) is to be held at UAEU, Al-Ain, UAE during the three days from 13 November to 15 November 2022. It is going to be organized by Department of Mathematical Sciences, UAE University in Collaboration with University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. This is the second workshop. [...]

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Keynote Speakers

  • Volkmar Welker

    Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany


    Kiki A. Sugeng

    University of Indonesia, Indonesia

  • Sebastian Cioaba

    University of Delaware, USA


    Martin Baca

    Technical University in Kosice, Slovakia

  • Kinkar Chandra Das

    Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea


    Ismael G. Yero

    University De Cadiz, Spain

  • Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro

    ITB, Indonesia


    Prof. Hao Huang

    National University of Singapore

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Conference Menu

Sep 7, 2023