Timing |
College |
Main Applicant |
Project Title |
10:00 - 10:20am |
Humaid Abdulrahman Alshamsi |
The Impact of Inflation on Foreign Direct Investment |
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Thara Hamad Mosabbah Alkhateri |
When Teachers and Parents Meet on Nutrition: Exploring Moderation Effect of Knowledge of Policy and Training on Food Literacy for Children with Disabilities |
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10:20 - 10:40am |
Hedaya Hamad Rashed Hamad Al Saedi |
The Demography of Income Inequality and Carbon Emissions in the US |
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Noora Abdulrazzaq Abdullah Anwahi |
Assessing Psychometric Properties and Validity of Food and Nutrition Literacy Scale Adopted to Measure Assess Awareness of Nutritional Needs of Children with Disabilities in the UAE |
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10:40 - 11:00am |
Khalil Ibrahim Hasan Alblooshi |
A Motor-Mouth Brain: Translation of Brain Signals into Motion and Audible Sound |
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Maitha Salem Hamad Aldhaheri |
Measuring the Visual Perception Using Shapes and Alphabets: Arabic Letters and English Letters |
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11:00 - 11:20am |
Wadha Harran Al Ketbi |
Safe: Cryptographic Algorithms and Security Principles Gamification |
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Ahmed Abdalla Yousif Mohamed Alawadhi |
Covid-19 and the Evil of the Profit Motive |
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11:20 - 11:40am |
Maryam Mohamed Buty Alghfeli |
Droparcel: Smart System for Secure Parcel Delivery |
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Shaikha Abdulla Alkaabi |
An Assessment of Emirati Attitudes and Perceptions of Public Transport: The Case of Al Ain City, United Arab Emirates |
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11:40 - 12:00pm |
Asma Ateeq Almheiri |
Embedded Face Recognition and Object Tracking-Based Class Attendance and Social Distancing System Using Deep Learning |
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Amna Rafi Akbar Ali |
Satisfaction Level of Tourists When They Visit Dubai. |
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12:00 - 12:20pm |
Fatmah Abdullah Mohammed Alsereidi |
Treatment of Pharmaceuticals Using Electro-Catalysis by Mixed Metal Oxide Anode |
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Hind K. Ali Al Qassab |
An Explanation of Jane Austen’s Legacy Through Modern Adaptations; The Older It Gets the Better. |
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12:20 - 12:40pm |
Reem Mohammed Alblooshi |
Exploring Potential of Using Massive Timber Construction for Mid-Rise Buildings in UAE |
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Laila Murad Aziz Nasab |
"People are strange when you’re a stranger": Decoding the phenomenon of "Strange Behavior" of teenagers in the cultural context of Emirati society |
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12:40 - 1:00pm |
Marim Elkashlan |
Analysis of Commercial Prebiotic Supplements and their Effect on Microbial Growth |
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Meera Rashed Alshamsi |
Chronic Disease Rates as Reported by United Arab Emirates University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study |
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1:00 - 1:20 pm |
Haya Ayyash |
Controlled Nanoleaf-Like Structure of SRO as a High-Performance Electrode for Supercapacitors |
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Ahmed Juma Alkaabi |
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Household Food Waste in The United Arab Emirates |
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1:20 - 1:40pm |
Aiche El Massoumi |
Single-Step Synthesis and Growth of Nanoflower-Like Structure of ZNO for High-Performance Supercapacitor |
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Fatima H. Alhammadi |
Assessment of Severity of Covid-19 Pneumonia with Radiomics Retrieved from Lung CT Images |
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1:40 - 2:00pm |
Dalal Belal Kamel Mohamed Aldhanhani |
Understanding the Process of Assigning Species to the (LUCN) Red List |
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Maryam Nasser Mohamedali Alfadli |
Causes for Food Waste and Solutions to Reduce Food Print in The United Arab Emirates |
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2:00 - 2:20pm |
Malak Abdulla Yousif Mohammed Aldarmaki |
Species Identification and Whole Genome Sequencing of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria |
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Ahmed Juma Alkaabi |
Depression in Chronic Disease Patients in the UAE |
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2:20 - 2:40pm |
Khuloud Khalfan Saeed Alneyadi |
Vegetable Production Under Hydroponic Systems: Organic Liquid Fertilizer Vs. Inorganic Nutrient Solution |
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Meera Rashed Alshamsi |
Assessment of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Knowledge and Associated Factors Among United Arab Emirates University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study |
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