Department: Cognitive Science
Main presenter: Noor Saleh Al-Hashemi
Supervisor: Dr. Marta Szreder
Abstract: In this research, I answer the question “what phonological processes do Emirati children apply when learning to speak?”, by using a case study of a 3-year-old Emirati child. The aim of this study is to identify the different phonological processes that Emirati children use in their linguistic development, and the challenges they face. I accomplish this by studying the speech patterns and errors of one 3-year-old Emirati child, Hamed, and comparing them to the universal patterns found in child language data. I use transcribed naturalistic recordings of the child’s natural speech while he engaged in play activities or in conversation with the people around him and analyze his speech errors by examining all the phonological processes in which the child substitutes one sound segment with another segment. I conclude that Hamed’s phonological acquisition and errors are on track with what is universally expected from children of his age, while also showing unique effects of Emirati Arabic as the target language. This case study is of significant importance to the field of linguistics, especially in this region, because the subject of child phonology in Emirati Arabic is extremely understudied and this is one of the first qualitative studies of its kind.
Department: Geography & Urban Sustainability
Main presenter: Sarah Ahmed Rashed Aldhanhani
Co-presenters: Mouza Sulaiman Mohammed Hamdan Alkaabi Hessa Buti Almhairi
Supervisor: Dr. Khaula Alkaabi
Abstract: We choose the mickey robot project to be applied in United Arab Emirates University because the technology of robots and AI (Artificial Intelligence) has accomplished around the world today and it will make life to be much easier. As well as it will help the student to save their time and the problems that may face such as (long distances, crowdedness, studying pressure, etc.). The robot delivers food to your door whenever you are on campus or on the university hostels. Users can use the website to order, and it is easy to use. We choose the shape of the robot to be unique, new, and creative: mickey shape. The robot has 2 different features which are to make the food cold or hot, this feature will let the food to deliver fresher and it will make the customer feel satisfied. The robot also will help the workers that work in the university restaurants it will save their time as well as it will be helpful to them because they usually bring the food by walking on their legs, so the robot will be a great solution for them. As a result, it will have a better effect on their health such as in the summer and winter weather.
Department: Geography & Urban Sustainability
Main presenter: Shaikha Abdulla Alkaabi
Co-presenters: Latifa Alnuaimi Shamsa Alblooshi Salma Almazrouei
Supervisor: Dr. Naeema Alhosani
Abstract: Al Ain is the second largest city in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. In 2030, the city intends to provide a sustainable and high-quality public transportation network; however, Emiratis are overly sensitive about using public transportation. This paper investigates the Emirati community's attitudes toward and practices with public transportation by identifying the barriers and concerns associated with public transportation in Al Ain. Primary data was collected using surveys and interviews to gain a better understanding of Emirati attitudes toward public transit and to explore perceptions of public transport services in Al Ain. According to the findings, more improvements to public transportation in Al Ain are needed. The implementation of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in neighborhoods will encourage people to walk and take public transportation. Additionally, providing eco-friendly buses, such as fuel cell (hydrogen) or battery electric buses, will attract many non-public transit users. Women-only buses will also encourage more Emirati women to use public transportation in keeping with the region's culture.
Department: Media & Creative Industries
Main presenter: Moza Humaid Abdulla Alyammahi
Supervisor: Dr. James Aitken
Abstract: This research deals with a big and common issue that every student might face during their university journey. Depression is a serious issue in university students, which can lead to many other serious outcomes affecting their social life, physical health, mental health, academic achievements, and feelings. This research aims to show how depression affects female students at UAEU and whether it has a positive or a negative impact. The descriptive approach was used, using interviews and survey, and from the analysis of the results obtained it was very significant and confirmed by the questionnaire and interviews that depression has a negative effect on UAEU female students’ physical health, mental health, socialization, academic achievements, and feelings. at the conclusion of this study, we concluded that this study enjoys high stability and credibility, as well as a positive and strong correlation between the rate of each of the axes of the study. And the total average of the questionnaire items, and this indicates the validity of the structural consistency of the study axes.
Department: Geography & Urban Sustainability
Main presenter: Amna Rafi Akbar Ali
Co-presenters: Ryam Mubarak Alameri . Sharina Saeed Aylan Almheiri
Supervisor: Dr. Khaula Alkaabi
Abstract: This paper breaks down vacationer, tourist, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Those are not inhabitants but rather just visit Dubai for a brief timeframe. Dubai is viewed as the world's most visited country for relaxation exercises and get-aways. Our point of the examination and research is to see if the traveler that visits Dubai leaves the nation completely fulfilled and has partaken in their visit or not. Also to see if they wish to see any enhancements and improvements in any area. We directed a short review or we can say survey and made ends in light of the outcomes created. It contains multiple questions and written questions that may help Dubai to have a high-rank development. Also, creating an app in order to help tourists and also residents in the seven Emirates through places, activities, etc. It was obvious from our discoveries that the guests are happy with their brief excursions to Dubai, yet their perspectives of improvements were the same and things that can be easily improved. This concentrate additionally underlines the need to consider the significance of vacationer and tourist needs. The significant discoveries of our exploration or our research were guests' and visitors' interests with expanded costs in Dubai.
Department: Media & Creative Industries
Main presenter: Shouq Mohammed Jumah Sulaiman Mesbahi
Supervisor: Dr. Ahmed Mansoori
Abstract: This research deals with a big and common issue in our society that every family might face.
Video games are a serious issue that affects the family relationship in a negative way, which can lead to many other serious outcomes affecting their social life, physical health, mental health, feelings, and interfering traditions and beliefs. This research aims to show how video games affect the way children behave in their daily life and whether it has a positive or a negative impact. The descriptive approach was used, using survey, and from the analysis of the results obtained it was very significant and confirmed by the questionnaire that video games have a negative effect on children’s physical health, mental health, socialization, traditions, beliefs, and feelings. at the conclusion of this study, we concluded that this study enjoys high stability and credibility, as well as a positive and strong correlation between the rate of each of the axes of the study. And the total average of the questionnaire items, and this indicates the validity of the structural consistency of the study axes.
Department: Cognitive Sciences
Main presenter: Maitha Salem Hamad Aldhaheri
Supervisor: Dr. Gunjan Khera
Abstract: Visual analysis is the very first step of recognizing visual symbols. In this study, we examined the visual object perception in bilingual university students by using the congruence effect with Arabic alphabets, English alphabets, and geometrical shapes. The task was to decide as fast and as accurately as possible whether the object shown was a letter or a shape. Reaction time (RT) was measured and analyzed for each language. Participants scored lower RT in Arabic shapes and higher RT in English shapes while scoring higher accuracy in English shapes and lower accuracy in Arabic letters. The results show that there was a speed-accuracy tradeoff in the Arabic experiment.
Department: Languages & Literature
Main presenter: Hind K. Ali Al Qassab
Supervisor: Dr. Doris Hambuch
Abstract: Background: Jane Austen is an important writer after two centuries of her time. She is celebrated and looked up to by many admirers. A recent adaptation of Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice was made but with a modern twist. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies did not change the plot of the book and discussed the same problems Austen discussed in her novel (women, marriage, etc.). My paper discusses women’s issues in both works and the reason behind choosing Jane Austen’s work specifically.
Aims: An Explanation to Jane Austen’s legacy in the 21st century - Define and discuss women problems in both works - Compare and contrast the original with the adaptation
Research Methods: Qualitative Research, Grounded Theory Research
Key results: Jane Austen’s legacy is prominent because her novels are timeless - The adaptation showcases women’s struggles from 200 years ago and are still relevant today
Conclusion: The adaptation showcases a variety of women’s issues that was discussed in Jane Austen’s work such as marriage and inheritance. Marriage is a powerful element handled in the adaptation.
- The adaptation of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice might be an admiration of Austen or because women’s struggles are still relevant
Department: Cognitive Sciences
Main presenter: Ahmed Abdalla Yousif Mohamed Alawadhi
Supervisor: Ms. Ayan Ibrahim
Abstract: This paper will discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic directed the attention of the masses towards the destructive nature of capitalist and neoliberal agendas which was deepened by, the climate crisis, the healthcare crisis, the mismanagement of the pandemic, the job crisis, and the increasing wealth gap. All emphasized and exacerbated by the evil of the profit motive, which help set the societal perceptual stage for leftist policy and progressive ideology.
Aim: The aim of this research is to critique exclusionary political-economic models and make way for progressive policy implementation.
Research methods: It’s qualitative research because recent news articles were reviewed and discussed the topics in the paper.
Results:Societies are more aware of the problems of the current political economy, and thus we’re seeing more activism for socialized healthcare, climate justice, and addressing the wealth gap.
Conclusion(s): The takeaway from this paper is that people, as individuals and communities, be active in tearing down the systems that exploit them and hurt them the most. The takeaway is that individuals and collectives are intentionally supportive of policies that have normal people’s interests at the forefront of their cause - always away from the evil of the profit motive
Department: Cognitive Sciences
Main presenter: Laila Murad Aziz Nasab
Supervisor: Dr. Anton Yasnitsky
Abstract: When a growing person reaches the age of puberty, he or she enters the teenage years. During the adolescent years, concerns arise about their bodies, gender differences, society, cultural values, and so on. This shift frequently perplexes people, those of the older generations and the teenagers themselves. This study investigates the reasons that make teenagers behave strangely.
My mixed-methods study is based on quantitative and qualitative data collected on the UAE teenagers from different emirates. Specifically, this study was guided by the earlier discoveries of culturally specific behaviors of teenagers, such as those presented by Margaret Mead in her classical anthropological study "Coming of age in Samoa" that demonstrated teenagers' behavior that is radically different from the traditional findings from that characteristic of the teenagers' behavior in middle-class American cultural environment.
Similarly, my research suggests a very distinct "cultural make-up" of the Emirati youth and the psychology of their "strange behavior", which is the main and the most surprising finding of my study. In my presentation, I will provide a discussion of my interesting finidings.
Department: Cognitive Sciences
Main presenter: Amina Khurshid
Supervisor: Dr. Hamza Dodeen
Abstract: Living an optimal life entails continuous striving towards personal growth, which further entails continuous self-change, attainment of self-knowledge, and realization of potential in various life domains. This has been captured well by Robitschek through her construct of the Personal Growth Initiative (PGI), a skillset that facilitates personal growth. In this project, the personal growth differences among gender and age groups in Al Ain have been studied. To date, there is no extant research examining the extent to which the PGI skills may vary across age groups and studies conducted on PGI have been mainly limited to the western cultures due to which they do not consider the possibilities that individuals from nonwestern cultures might put forward. The total number of participants was 152, everyone was based in Al Ain, a city in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) and they belonged to various strata. Data were collected through an online survey and the elements were recruited using various sources, such as personal and social media invitations. The result shows a negative correlation between personal growth initiative and age and no significant difference among genders
Department: Government and Society
Main presenter: Salama Ahmed Alsheryani
Supervisor: Dr. Mohammed Bin Hwaidn
Abstract: The best method to study The phenomenon of illegal immigration from Turkey to The European countries in the past ten years is the empirical method of analyzing political issues. Using this way will help us discover and collect data and information about these issues as well as it will allow us to test the validity of the hypothesis. To start using this method that is based on information and data we should collect the percentage of illegal immigrants during the last 10 years and check where is the immigration really concentrated. For further information, we should see the issue from all perspectives first from a legal perspective and collect some legal information. From a security perspective, we will collect the percentage of the crimes that are committed by immigrants and compare it with the crimes that are committed by citizens, and compare to see the effect of the immigrants on the security of the country. Culture and tradition might be affected by immigrants so the best way to know is by interviewing citizens. Economic and education will be affected so much, therefore we have to do an investigation to see whether immigrants affect job opportunities or not.