
On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to invite you to the International  Conference on Environmental Mathematics (ICE-MATH2016) to be held on November 14-16, 2016. The conference aims to bring together leading researchers and academic scientists to exchange ideas and to share their experiences and research results and findings about different topics related to environmental mathematics. The conference will be also an excellent opportunity for researchers, educators and decision makers to discuss results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Environmental Mathematics and the role of mathematics in solving certain environmental issues.


The conference will discuss the role of mathematics in the following environment related fields:

    1. Renewable and sustainable energy.
    2. Big data analytics for environmental indicators.
    3. Pollution modeling and simulation.
    4. Modeling pollution control systems.
    5. Innovative mathematical modeling in water resources.
    6. Spatial modeling in environmental challenges.
    7. Mathematical modeling in climate. 
    8. Gulf region related environmental issues.


The conference will consist of three invited talks and several 20 minutes talks by participants. The participants will be faculty members from local, regional and international educational and research institutions. Graduate students are welcome to present their work as well.  

Feb 16, 2016