Conference ePayment Form


Form Cusomication Steps

  1. Modify the form body to meet your needs where you can add or remove form elements. 
  2. Modify the JavaScript code if you want to process the data before it is submitted.
  3. After building the form, you will need to request from the college or department finance officer to create a new request for an online payment form in the ePayment system, click here.
  4. The finance department will review and approve your request. After approving the request, you will need to request from the finance officer to open the submitted request and get the payment form configuration parameters : Form ID and FOAPAL number
  5. Insert the below HTML Configuration code and apply the configuration parameters which you received from your finance officer to this code.
  6. Publish the form and start testing it.
  7. After completing the test you will request from the Finance Department to switch the form to Production.
  8. Make the payment form available to end users for online payments.

Jan 25, 2016