Entity: Dubai Municipality
I am a passionate and enthusiastic Emirati public health professional. I am working as an Acting Head of Food Permit and Applied Nutrition Section in Dubai Municipality. I am currently managing the food safety and nutrition digital information and a lead in digitization of the food safety management system in Dubai.
I was instrumental in developing guidelines for school canteens in Dubai targeting
reduction in childhood obesity and I also work on the program to promote healthy food
menus in Dubai’s food service businesses.
I am a member of several committees that are involved in nutrition related initiatives,
most significant of which is the program committee of the Dubai International Food
Safety Conference since 2016.
In 2018, I held a founding member role in the Emirates Nutrition Foundation to enhance
professional and academic pathway and knowledge of many graduates and professionals
in the field of nutrition, food processing and food policy.
I am also involved in community-based initiatives and awareness activities both within
and outside my work