United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) and the New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) are organizing a special issue of the “7th Joint UAE Symposium on Social Robotics” (JSSR 2022) as part of “Innovation Month 2022” and EXPO 2020. This event features a multidisciplinary program that brings together renowned developers, roboticists, and social scientists from across the globe to discuss the state of the art in social robotics. Join us in this multi-site event, be a part of the group of experts, share your research, check out the new robot technology, and discuss the latest innovations in the field.

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Scientific and Organizing Committee

Fady Alnajjar
Associate Professor, Head of AI and Robotics Lab, College of Information Technology, UAEU

Fady Alnajjar

Max Cappuccio
Senior Lecturer & Research Fellow, University of New South Wales, Australia

Max Cappuccio



Director of Applied Interactive Multimedia Research Lab and Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NYU, AD



Friederike Eyssel
Professor of Social Psychology, Head of Applied Social Psychology & Gender Research Lab at (CITEC), Bielefeld University

 Dr. Friederike Eyssel

Munkhjargal Gochoo
Assistance Professor, PI AI and Robotics Lab, College of Information Technology, UAEU      

Munkhjargal Gochoo



Nov 1, 2021